Agnostic: The belief that existence of the supernatural is unknown or unknowable.
Atheistic: The belief that there is nothing supernatural.
Branches: A large division of a religion.
Canonized doctrine: The officially recognized documents or ideas of a religion.
Ethnic religions: A religion associated with a particular ethnic group.
Monotheism: The belief in one god. Pilgrimage: A journey to a sacred place. Polytheism: The belief in many gods.
Prophecy: Communication with a supernatural power.
Proselytizing: Seeking converts to a religion.
Religious fundamentalism: The belief in the absolute authority of a religious text.
Sacred spaces: Places associated with a sense of the divine. Sanctuary: A haven or place of safety, often defined by law. Schism: The fracturing of an organization.
Sectarian violence: Violence between different sects of the same religion.
Secular: A condition of separation between a state and any religion.
State religion: The official religion of a state. This is not the same as theocracy.
Syncretic religion: A religion formed by the combination of other religions.
Theocracy: A state ruled by religious principles.
Universalizing religion: A religion that seeks converts.