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Token of Appreciation

August 16, 2021


I want to offer a special thank you to Ms. Melanie Simpson, undergraduate within the online Bachelor of Science in Psychology degree program at WSU, for her edits of the 1st edition during the spring 2021. Her changes, and my own, are integrated into the 2nd edition of the book and are a dramatic improvement over the 1st edition. Thank you, Melanie.

To my reader. I hope you enjoy the book and please, if you see any issues whether typographical, factual, or just want to suggest some type of addition to the material or another way to describe a concept, general formatting suggestion, etc. please let me know. The beauty of Open Education Resources (OER) is that I can literally make a minor change immediately and without the need for expensive printings of a new edition. And it’s available for everyone right away. If you have suggestions, please email them to myself (Lee Daffin) using the email on the title page.

Enjoy the 2nd edition of Motivation.


Lee Daffin


Creative Commons License
Token of Appreciation by Lee William Daffin Jr. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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