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Fundamentals of Psychological Disorders

1st Edition

Carrie Cuttler, Alexis Bridley, and Lee W. Daffin Jr.


Fundamentals of Psychological Disorders is an Open Education Resource written by Alexis Bridley, Ph.D., Lee W. Daffin Jr., Ph.D., and Carrie Cuttler, Ph.D. through Washington State University. It tackles the difficult topic of psychological disorders in 9 chapters. After the first three foundational chapters, a discussion of psychological disorders ensues to include anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, mood disorders, dissociative disorders, schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders, and personality disorders.

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Book Information

Book Description

Fundamentals of Psychological Disorders is an Open Education Resource written by Alexis Bridley, Ph.D., Lee W. Daffin Jr., Ph.D., Carrie Cuttler, Ph.D. through Washington State University. The book tackles the difficult topic of psychological disorders in 9 chapters. This journey starts by discussing how psychological disorders are defined. Models of psychopathology and clinical assessment, diagnosis, and treatment are then discussed. With these three modules completed, the authors next explore some of the most common psychological disorders including anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, mood disorders, dissociative disorders, schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders, and personality disorders. Each disorder is covered by discussing its clinical presentation, epidemiology, comorbidity, etiology, and treatment options.