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3 Wrapping up Chapter 3

Nick Blair

In this chapter we covered a number of key terms in context and offered a number of strategies for completing your community engaged project. Key concepts to remember include:

  • understanding the audience(s) of your project is key to establishing an effective strategy to tackle your project
  • your purpose for the project is the “why” of what you are writing
  • for the purposes of this project, the usability of the work you produce refers to how actionable it is in the world
  • sustainability in this context refers to the extended usability of the materials you have produced for this project
  • the level of professionalism you embody during the project is often part of the project itself
  • as you prepare to wrap up your project, think of how and when it’s appropriate to share the final materials with your community partner

End of chapter exercises:

  • Create an action plan for dealing with one of the challenges that could arise during your project.
  • Draft questions to ask your community partner to ensure you are equipped to produce a usable and sustainable project for them.


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